Ca 60 CE
The dating on the Egyptian Sethian Samaritan book called Trimorphic Protennoia is just a guess but it is probably earlier than commonly thought. It may well have a long history of editing but the last edit was produced in the lifetime of two baptismal attendants named Micheus and Michar who appear also in the later Gospel of the Egyptians. In both books there is no negative connotation to their names. However, in the Apocalypse of Adam that may be a generation later than these two they are severely criticized as schismatics who have affiliated with Roman Christianity. In the work called ‘Untitled’ in the Bruce Codex which may come from the third century Micheus and Michar are referred to as ‘powers’ in being probably viewed as deceased guardian angels.
Trimorphic Protennoia has been thought to be a second century production because there are resemblances to the Gospel of John. However, the influence could have gone the other way with John having utilized Trimorphic Protennoia in style to over-write the Egyptian female First Word with the Greek male Logos.
Trimorphic Protennoia probably precedes the Gospel of the Egyptians which focuses on Seth and Jesus because it focuses on First Thought (Sophia/Holy Spirit) and has a very minimalist presentation of Jesus who she “put on” even though a ‘Father-Mother-Son’ trinity is presented. It was probably used liturgically among Egyptian Samaritans.